Studying in Germany comes with a range of fantastic opportunities, including the chance to immerse yourself in a unique European culture. Germany itself has the fourth best economy in the world. It is home to high-quality infrastructure, a relatively low cost of living, and fantastic amenities. The employment opportunities available to graduates are also significant, with many study programmes offering internships with large multinational companies as part of the course.
Morgan Oxford Education works closely with German educational institutions. Our specialist staff can help you gain entry to a programme that perfectly suits your academic and career aspirations. Some further benefits of choosing to study in Germany include:
For both home and international students, studying at a public university in Germany is free of tuition fees. International students are only asked to pay an administration fee between semesters, which costs on average between €100-300. For study at a private university in Germany, tuition fees do apply. However, in comparison to other European countries, the cost of this is relatively cheap.
Many international students choose to spend their first year in Germany completing a language course before embarking in their degree or equivalent programme, as a large proportion of academic courses are taught in German language. This is a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in German culture. Language skills will not only help you through your academic course in Germany, but will open up significant opportunities for employment following your studies.
Career opportunities
A large number of multinational companies are based in Germany, which puts you at the heart of international business once you have completed your studies. Most universities offer internships with leading companies during academic programmes, which can in turn lead to full-time employment opportunities upon graduation.
In Germany, students are permitted to work 120 days or 240 half days per year, meaning you can enhance your employability whilst you study. Part-time work is readily available to students and will help you to immerse yourself in German culture.
Travel freedom
International students can remain in Germany for an additional 18 months following the completion of their studies, allowing you to seek full-time employment. If you secure a permanent job during this period, you can remain in Germany for a longer period.